As an enthusiast of photography and a fervent believer in the power of images as preservers of life, with their memories and evocations of significant moments, throughout each individual’s existence within their personal, social, and human context. A dreamer of distant images, indicative of connections with diverse peoples and cultures, as well as extraordinary places and lights bestowed upon us by nature every day until the end of time. Over the past few years, I have discovered photography, and gradually, it has become a hobby that holds great importance in my daily life, eventually evolving into a passion that I wish to share with you.





To express in photography the beauty of nature that our eyes behold at every moment, there is the landscape mode. This mode or photographic expression enables us to capture the planet in all its splendor. The authenticity presented before the photographer’s eyes...
Architectural photography allows us to explore a range of themes, such as the identity of a place. This identity can be characterized as social, cultural, religious, or artistic. In photography, this identity is shaped by the various structures that humans have...
The photography of people, or portraiture, allows us to explore a plethora of themes such as expressions, emotions, and identities of every living being. The contexts in which these themes appear can be social, cultural, or artistic, in any place on our Earth....
Black and white photography expresses the power of the subject by emphasizing lines and contrasts, presenting to the eye the beauty of light. As a pioneer in the technique of capturing images and now a modern and artistic form of expression, black and white continues...
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a project to carry out or simply if you want to share the feeling that photography is an art and that we could imagine a story that we can capture together : edfibe@gmail.com